AX_InvtInvoice Data Dictionary

Expanded Names and Descriptions for AX_InvtInvoice Table

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
InvtInvoiceID Inventory Invoice Identifier Unique identifier for an inventory invoice in the system.
AmtDisc Amount Discounted The monetary amount that has been discounted from the original invoice amount.
AmtDue Amount Due The total monetary amount that is owed and should be paid for the invoice.
AmtLate Amount Late The monetary amount that is overdue for payment.
DateDisc Discount Date The date on which a discount on the invoice amount was applied.
DateDue Due Date The date by which the invoice amount is expected to be paid.
DateInvoice Invoice Date The date on which the invoice was issued.
DateLate Late Payment Date The date on which the payment for the invoice became overdue.
DescX Description X Descriptive text or comments about the invoice or transactions linked to the invoice.
GLSBATID General Ledger Sub-Batch Identifier Identifier for a subset of transactions within a batch in the General Ledger system.
InvNo Invoice Number The unique number assigned to the invoice for identification and tracking purposes.
InvoiceKind Invoice Type A category or classification of the invoice based on its nature or purpose.
InvtInvFlags Inventory Invoice Flags Indicators or markers associated with the invoice, often used to flag special conditions or statuses.
IsPaidFull Is Paid in Full Indicator of whether the invoice has been paid in full or not.
ItemPOID Item Purchase Order Identifier Unique identifier for the purchase order of the item or service billed in the invoice.
NoteX Notes X Additional notes or information related to the invoice that may be important for record keeping.
PayCAID Payment Card Authorizer Identifier Identifier for the entity or system that authorized the payment card transaction associated with the invoice.
RecptID Recipient Identifier Unique identifier for the recipient or payee of the invoice.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identifier A system-generated identifier that classifies the recipient of the invoice into categories such as customer, vendor, etc.
RMA Return Merchandise Authorization A unique identifier assigned to authorize and track returned merchandise for the purpose of exchange or refund.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum Checksum value used for verification and integrity checks in the audit logs.
ZUDate ZU Date The date stamp for the audit logs, providing a timestamp for when changes were recorded.
ZULogonHisID ZU Logon History Identifier Unique identifier for an audit log entry related to user logon activities.